These are articles I’ve written elswehere on the web for specific technical problems.

An oscilloscope-style diagram with a TFT screen and an Arduino, thrown into water

Underwater Voltmeter – High performance diagrams on Arduino

and the accompanying YouTube video:

Underwater Electricity Chart with Arduino TFT

Setting up a monorepo with react, storybook and typescript

Monorepos: Lerna, TypeScript, CRA and Storybook combined

This article was first published in 2019 when Monorepos were difficult to set up, and it includes a template with common tech that is used in web development with React. Now, monorepos are more common and the tech is constantly improving, but I’ve kept the template up-to-date.

[“restricting”, “and”, “managing”, “these”, “strings”]

String-literal Union Types to Array

– or –

How to kick Pluto out of the list of planets

This article is for typescript developers who want to manage what can and can not go into an array. This is helpful when creating master data and listing all the possibilities a string can have. The approach makes sure that all possible string literal types are contained in the array, and nudges the user to change the array if the union is changed.

SEO data in custom UIs on a WordPress backend from GraphQL, typescript and a headless WordPress

In a type-safe approach, this article shows how WordPress can be used as a graphql API. Doing that would make blog posts loose structured data in the That vocabulary is useful for search engine optimization and other cases where web pages should contain machine-readable information. It can be hard to create structured data in the json-ld-format and keep it valid and up-to-date. So a last step is included to make the mapping from the API type-safe to the vocabulary in json-ld.

Experiment: A low-code article for smart homes

The Hue-Light Mosquito Killer

The idea of including people in the program-creation process who can’t code but have deep knowledge of an expert domain or are great system-builders intrigues me. So while this article actually doesn’t include code, it’s also a comparison of purpose-built app UX and build-anything UX. Less steps are necessary for scheduling in an app from Philipps, but the steps the user takes in node-red can become a skill which can be applied in other home automation ideas.